SONGS as a public matter or ‘thing’ (=Latin res publica) is cultivated as a self-reflective, self-sustaining dialogic and consultory eventfulness in space and time via the livestreaming and recording of SONGS events.
Click on image and title for the particular event website for information, links to event recordings, and comment input boxes at the bottom. Recordings of events are listed in reverse chronological order:
“Improbability: Narrative Thinking and the Limitations of Artificial Intelligence,” Spring 2024, Webinar with Mike Benveniste.
“Royalty Now: Bringing the Past Back to Life,” Fall 2023, Webinar with Becca Segovia of “Royalty Now Studios.”

“Labor, Love, and Homecoming: Towards a Trans-Asian and Global-Cultural Sisterhood” (2022), Symposium with Zhen Zhang and Discussion with Jasmine Lee, Director of “Money and Honey.”

By Glen McBeth for BBC History Magazine
” What We know about the History of Pets–and What We Don’t” (2022), webinar with Philip Howell.

“Authenticity, Succession, Self-Actualization: The Multiple Meanings of Training in Hong Kong Martial Arts Cinema” (2022), webinar with Man-Fung Yip.

“Digital Humanities and Japanese Studies: Getting Started and Familiar” (2022), Zoom Presentation and Discussion with Paula R. Curtis

“Folded Time and the Sustainability of Urbanizing Religion” (2021), webinar with Robert P. Weller

“Ecopoetics of Reenchantment,” lecture with Bénédicte Meillon (2021; Cosponsored with the Imagining Climate Change initiative and the France-Florida Research Foundation)
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“Gender and Action in Hou Hsiao-hsien’s Assassin” (2021), webinar with Kevin Tsai
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G-Cultural Poetry Slam Event/Performances (2020)
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Symposium: “Global-Cultural Environmental Justice: Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives” (2020), webinars with Dorothy Ko, Andréa Zhouri, Edward Barbier, and Frances Roberts-Gregory.
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“Setting Global-Cultural Limits 30 Years after Berlin 1989” Commemoration (2019)
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Symposium: “Border-Walls, Fire-Walls, Sea-Walls, Present and Future” (2019), webinar with Susanne Götze
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Symposium: “Premodern Border-Walls, Fire-Walls, Sea-Walls: Global-Cultural Resources as Limits” (2019), webinar with David Frye
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Hopes and Fears in International Relations: An Open Forum Discussion. (2019)
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Modern “Global-Cultural Sustainability” Symposium: “Translation and Etymology as Cultural Narratives of Sustainability and Resilience” (2018), webinar with Simon Richter
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Premodern “Global-Cultural Sustainability” Symposium: “Cyberspace and Communities of Learning: International and Interdisciplinary Collaborations” (2018), webinar with Caroline Bruzelius
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Symposium: “The Future of Freedom and Walls in Europe and Globally” (2017), lectures by Professor Amy Nelson Burnett and Günter Verheugen, European Commissioner for Enlargement from 1999 to 2004 (no recordings)