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The long-term goal of the SONGS Initiative, officially begun in 2018, is the construction of a Sustainable Online Network for Global-Cultural Studies as a “res publica” in support of the public domain and public education.

SONGS explores questions pertaining to interdisciplinarity, digitization, and sustainability while working towards its long-term goal.

SONGS seeks collaborations in STEM, the arts and architecture, and support from the private sector for the design and implementation of the physical and material cultural resources involved in the construction of its self-sustaining, renewable-energy powered online global-cultural studies network.

SONGS seeks to be self-reflective and self-determining in an “enlightened” sense by exploring—via lectures, colloquia, panel discussions, etc. live-streamed and publicized via the SONGS website—the sustainability of diverse spiritual and intellectual humanist cultural resources based on perspectives in the humanities, arts, and sciences.

Click here for the theses and desiderata of the SONGS Initiative.


Will Hasty
Waldo W. Neikirk Professor of German and Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Director, SONGS Initiative

Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
301 Pugh Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville FL 32611-5565
Phone: 352.273.3780
Fax: 352.392.1443